Your spectacles are not simply a matter of good vision and value for money. Your glasses make a statement about you and who you are. Frame Styling takes into consideration the shape of your face, skin tone, eye and hair colour, personal style and lifestyle activities as well as providing fashion expertise. Frame Styling incorporates your facial proportions and dimensions and takes into account the colour, size, and weight of frames to suit your needs.
1. Proportion
How your glasses look in relation to your face is crucial. The eyes, nose and mouth are not looked at independently. The way they work together is a matter of proportion. The goal of Frame Styling is to create ideal facial proportion.
2. Dimension
Frames are comprised of three basic dimensions including straight lines, round lines and curved lines. These dimensions are also attributed to your face. It is important to note the dimensions of your face with any frames you choose because they should complement each other.
3. Colour
Colour also affects our visual perception and is a factor in using selecting a frame to enhance facial appearance. By colouring different parts of a frame, the best facial proportion can be achieved.
4. Size & Weight
The size and weight of the frame must be in proportion with the size of your face and features. Small features are emphasised by smaller, lighter frames and more prominent features are de-emphasised by larger, bolder frames.